
The opportunity to be heard

The opportunity to be truly heard and seen by another is the most profoundly healing experience I have had. Years of therapy had me going round in endless circles, with minimal movement or change. The work Alice does and teaches has enabled me to become a more whole human being, changing my life in ways I had always believed were possible but could never find the right path. Receiving treatments, sessions and teachings with Alice is like finding your way home - with the added bonus of comfy slippers, warm fire and a favourite drink. The image that comes to mind, is like a cat sprawled out on its back, in front of a fire
Liverpool, UK

This is an art!!!

Having trained in Mind Clearing with Alice, I really appreciate her knowledge, clear communication and humour.
LF, Brighton, UK

I love the clarity

I have attended Mind Clearing workshops with Alice. I love the clarity Alice brings to these subjects. I would say it has changed my life so much for the better I think everyone should try it!
London UK

I can work accurately and constructively on my life

I knew what it felt like to be counselled…. Mind Clearing offers something more - and fast! …I sat face to face with Alice … accepting her steadfast and determined gaze, following her instructions again and again until I put into words which she fully heard and understood, the truth at the core of the seminal events and relationships of my life. This was hard work…. But the importance of doing it, the certainty that it was a process that brought its own great reward never left me and stays with me now. How do I feel now? There is a bigger gap between my individual self and my reactions to people and events…. Mind Clearing has given me a sense that I can work accurately and constructively on my life, not just in Mind Clearing sessions, but all the time. I’m deeply grateful for the warmth and strength Alice exudes as she took me through this process, and grateful that she has chosen to embrace and refine this amazing way of working with her fellow human beings.

One of the most significant and useful bodies of work

The process of Mind Clearing for me has been by far one of the most significant and useful bodies of work that I have encountered during my seemingly arduous search for what makes me tick and do life in the particular and frequently frustrating way that I do. These processes have enabled me to finally become aware of, or get free from, certain behaviors, attitudes and attachments I have been trying to get at for years.
Florida, USA

For the first time in my life, I feel heard

For the first time in my life, I feel heard; and while I am searching within, with the Clearer’s guidance, I am blasting out confusion, patterns and buried emotions that keep me down….I am better able to communicate who I am and what I want, and I have much better relationships with others as a result. For me, Mind Clearing is the way forward to a more conscious, worthwhile way of being and living.
London, UK

Inspiring & Present

Alice is inspiring & very present. She brings forth in me a need to be truthful and honest about myself. Her passion is infectious, and I feel honoured to be part of this work.
London, UK
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